By installation of "eForm system" and "APAR system" as comprehensive business workflow service, your business operation is performed faster. "eForm system" is a system for registration operations such as travel expenses and purchase, and "APAR system" is a system for management of accounts payable and accounts receivable. In addition to being able to install them separate, you can also install the integration system.



Business efficiency

It allows you to easily create documents using a smartphone or tablet other than a computer, complete from registration to approval process via just mail without having to access into the system. In addition, you can also easily find past registration documents and quote for new registration documents.


Shortening the required time

Due to the alert display to prevent incorrect and input missing, it helps to reduce the time loss by sending back when the request is incompleteness. And the requestor can check the progress status, so can urge the next approver is case of delay.


Reinforcing internal control and compliance

By conducting the correct route of business flow with check functions of automatic number check, input check, skip/additional, it helps to fullfill complex authorization standards, and prevent irregular request/approval that deviates from the regular approval flow. In addition, you can customize the access permission to the Request Form, Approval Criteria, confidential documents according to customer requirements, so you can prevent the loss, fraud, or leakage of requested documents.



Help you reduce costs such as printing paper costs and mailing costs. In addition, you can reduce document storage space and make effective use of office space.



Automatic reconciliation

The system will check automatically individual accounts receivable/payable at the same time as deposit/payment. It helps you to save time and prevent forgetting or making mistakes.


Expediting debt collection

It helps to think of a solution early by showing the status list of ollection delay.


Real-time deposit/payment balance

It helps to accurately capture the current financial situation at any time due to Deposit and payment data is updated immediately.


Centralization of management department

Revenues and expenditures of branches or stores are immediately reflected in the debt and credit data of the headquarters, it helps to build a system that can central at head office without existing of management business and collection business devision.